What is a Sewer Backflow Preventer and How Does It Work?

Sewer backflow preventers are essential devices to protect your home from harmful wastewater backflowing into the plumbing system of your home. Sometimes, your sewer might backflow due to blockages, municipal sewer overflows, heavy rains, or aging city infrastructure. All of these compromise the sewer system and cause untreated waste to flow backward into homes.

Remember – “Backflow and backup is not the same. Sewer backflow can happen due to reduction in water pressure – usually in your potable water line. However, backup occurs when there is some obstructions in the sewer pipe, for example – tree roots, pipe damage, etc.”

Backflow is becoming an alarming issue for residents in Sacramento. This wastewater containing grease, debris, and hazardous chemicals enters your home via pipes, drains, etc., and affects over 5,000 residents annually – as per the Sacramento County Public Health Report, 2023.

This not only causes damage to the pipes and the sewer line but also causes severe health risks and property damage.

Hence, it is advised to install a sewer backflow preventer, also known as a sewer backflow valve. It acts as a one-way valve that prevents wastewater from entering your home. For installation of the device – you must get in touch with sewer and drain cleaning company – they ensure your plumbing system is efficient and you don’t have water logging in your bathtub, sinks, toilets, and bathroom drains.

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Sewer Backflow: Signs And Problems

Well, if you are wondering what backflow means – when water travels backward via your plumbing systems – it is known as backflow. Now, when the backflow is from filthy sources such as – toilets, outdoor pools, sprinkler systems, washing machines, etc., it is called sewer backflow.

Also, if there’s a sudden drop in water pressure from a nearby hydrant being used, it could cause water to flow backward from your home into the public water supply.

The water starts flowing backward as a reduction in pressure in one section of the system. Here are certain signs you must look for when you think there might be a water backflow in your sewer –

  • Unpleasant odor from sewage
  • Slow drains that regularly clog
  • Strange or terrible-tasting water
  • Dirty or discoloured water from taps

Here are some of the problems caused by sewage backflow –

  • Health Risks Due To Contamination
    When there is sewage backflow – it introduces harmful bacteria, viruses, and toxins into homes. This contaminates surfaces and water., which usually leads to illnesses like gastrointestinal infections and respiratory issues. This issue is common – especially after heavy rains or sewer blockages.
  • Property Damage And Costly Repairs
    Sewage backflow causes damage to walls, floors, and ceilings. It might lead to costly repairs and replacements of carpets, furniture, and wooden fixtures. Homeowners frequently face high repair costs and insurance claims, which prevents repeated property damage and financial strain.
  • Foul Odors And Unlivable Conditions
    The smell of sewage can make homes unlivable – because of the smell that lingers for weeks. This odor can seep into the air system, which worsens indoor air quality – which poses health risks to your family. Hence, it is important to get the sewage backflow fixed with the help of emergency plumbers.
  • Increased Pest Infestation
    Sewage backflow leads water to pool in your lawn and bathroom area – or wherever the issue persists. This is home to pests like flies, cockroaches, rodents, and other teeny tiny creepers – they love to thrive in waste-filled areas. These pests bring health risks to the family, and they can spread to neighboring properties.

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How Does A Sewer Backflow Preventer Work?

Before taking a look at how a sewer backflow preventer works – why don’t we see how it benefits your home? So, here’s a small brief on how this device can help you drain, and pipes remain efficient and functional –

  • It prevents health hazards to the environment and the well water you drink from.
  • It helps homeowners to comply with the water safety regulations.
  • It reduces the risk of water-borne diseases and illnesses.
  • It expands the lifespan of your plumbing system.

Now that you know how it benefits your home, here’s how sewage backflow preventer works –

Well, as we have already discussed, the sewer backflow preventer does not allow sewage or wastewater to enter your home, in case it becomes overloaded.

The preventer is mostly installed in the main sewer pipe. However, you can also ask your plumbing service provider to install it in the basement – which is the farthest point from your home.

The valve has a small flap that allows the wastewater to leave your home. Also, it helps release sewer vapors. It opens and closes with the help of small floaters that are attached on both sides of the flap. If there is a sewage water backflow – the floaters will keep the flap closed to stop the water from entering your home.

After the wastewater stops flowing in your home’s direction, the flap will open again automatically. Thus allowing water to flow out of your house.

Note: One thing to keep in mind is always to check if your backflow preventer is working fine. You can do it by looking at the clear-cover backwater preventer access box, or you can hire professional help.

Types Of Sewer Backflow Preventers

Here are the types of sewer backflow preventers –

  1. Atmospheric Vacuum Breakers
    To stop water from running backward, AVBs use an air inlet valve and a basic check valve. When the water pressure on the check valves rises too high, the air intake valve is made to open and let air in. The internal vacuum is broken, and back pressure and back siphoning are prevented as they let air into the sealed pipe.

    AVBs work well when there is little chance of backflow and little repercussion. It is used mostly in in-ground sprinkler systems and garden hoses.

  2. Pressure Vacuum Breakers
    PVBs are somewhat like AVBs. It is connected with an air input valve and a check valve to stop backflow. They use a high-pressure chamber in between the two to stop water from flowing backward and into your home.

    It prevents water contamination, and most local plumbing codes require a backflow prevention device on water systems. A double-check valve assembly (DCVA) also uses the same technique – which uses two check valves for redundancy and increased security.

  3. Reduced Pressure Zone Assemblies
    RPZs are the most complicated and best kinds of backflow preventers. They use two check valves and a lower-pressure chamber in between. Also, there is a pressure relief valve that will empty the chamber until the pressure on the receiving end of the cross-connection has decreased. Thus preventing backflow.

    The pressure relief valve will spit water out during backflow since its purpose is to remove water from the plumbing pipes until the pressure returns to normal. Hence, RPZs are frequently placed outside in areas with adequate drainage and little chance of flooding.

Note- Though RPZs are the most expensive ones – they are also very effective. They are mostly used when there is a huge chance of backflow.

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Well, now that you know how a sewer backflow preventer works – you must install it to prevent unnecessary water logging and drainage issues in your home. It helps you keep your home and environment clean and safe from any contaminants, such as – bacteria, funguses, infections, etc.

But ensure only to get it installed by a professional plumber. This is because they know the ins and outs of the sewer line and are very familiar with the installation process. Doing it on your own requires proper knowledge and expertise – but unfortunately, not all of us are equipped with such knowledge.

Moreover, sewers contain harmful gasses and substances – which require specialized suits and equipment. An experienced plumber can handle these issues with care and responsibility.

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Protect Your Home’s Drains And Pipes With Preferred Plumbing. We Are The Best Plumber in Sacramento!

At Preferred Plumbing & Drain, we offer reliable plumbing services to protect your residence from sewage backflow. We know it is a plumbing emergency, as these backflows bring all the nasty things into your home.

Our plumbers are licensed and trusted in the neighborhood – as we solely focus on our customer’s satisfaction. We ensure our work is of top-notch quality so that you don’t have to worry about your drains and pipes getting clogged again! It’s terrifying to have a bad plumbing system – so we take care of all your plumbing needs.

Don’t compromise with your health and well-being. Contact Preferred Plumbing for efficient plumbing repairs in Sacramento.

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