Just as your AC requires maintenance occasionally, your water heater is no different. Still, people forget about keeping up with its maintenance schedule. With a lack of maintenance and care, water heaters can often end up being inefficient in working. When it happens, your water heater can fail or stop at any time. It will also need frequent water heater repairs. If you have a storage tank water heater, over time, your water heater accumulates sediment, minerals, calcium, and other debris at the bottom of its tank. Water heater repair Sacramento experts recommend flushing and draining your water heater to clear out the sediment that is built up inside. This sediment buildup needs to removed regularly because it can cause damage to your unit and result in water heater malfunction.
Regularly flushing your water heater is better than incurring expensive repairs. It also helps in reducing your water repair expenses, extend the service life of the unit, keep it running efficiently for a long.
Why flush the sediment out of the water heater?
The sediment finds its way inside the tank’s bottom through the cold water. When cold water comes into the tank before it gets heated, the sludge often comes along with it. Sometimes, when sediment buildup is so high, you could see it coming through your faucets with the hot water. After the sediment and other residue settle at the bottom of the water heater, it begins to affect the functioning of the heating element present at the same location. When the sediment keeps on building up at the bottom and the buildup becomes too high, it can cause blockages. At that point, your water will have to work harder to provide you with hot water. The harder it works; the more energy it will take. Consequently, it will cost more to heat the water.
Just as debris and other buildups can clog your pipes, and leaves you with calling a drain cleaning Sacramento services quickly, if sediment build-up grows too high, it can lead the drain valve to clog up. If your water heater is not draining, there are higher chances that you have a clogged drain valve. Too much buildup of sediment is the reason behind this problem.
Therefore, you should flush your water heater once a year to flush this sediment out of the tank. Sacramento plumbers suggest flushing it every 6 months. However, in a home that receives acutely hard water, it’s suggested to do it more frequently than this.
You can follow the manufacturer’s instructions to do it yourself or can hire a water heater repair professional to have the water heater flushed out.
What are the signs of Sediment buildup in Your Hot Water Heater?
Here are the following signs you may start to notice: